Thursday, February 21, 2013

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Me


Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. (or because I came across your name first.)

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1) People laugh at me when I'm trying to be funny. However, people laugh harder when I'm being totally serious and not trying to be funny at all. 

2) I used to be able to do nothing with my day and be totally content. Now, if I waste a day it drives me up a wall.

3) I hate you when you misuse your/you're and their/there/they're. I also hate you more when I correct you and you tell me you don't care.

4) I've never fully understood "I forgive but don't forget". Just forgive and get over it.

5) I don't miss high school. I think it was an awesome time but I am so glad to be past it.

6) I am a terrible person to cuddle with. I need my space to move around.

7) I'm really self-conscious about my feet and I REALLY don't like it when people use that against me.

8) I really hate when people give me the play-by-play of their lives about the dumbest crap they can think of. But when I want to hear about every detail of their day is when they decide to be vague. PICK YOUR STORIES BETTER.

9) I was really scared I was going to hate the University of Hartford as much as I disliked Cabrini College. As miserable as I was at that school, my year spent there has helped me appreciate everything Hartford has been to me so far.

10) I yell a lot at people while I'm driving. It helps me cope with the fact that I have to share the roads with idiots who don't know how to drive.

11) I have really thin hair. I'm not a fan.

12) I love getting random e-mails, wall posts, comments, etc. from people I haven't heard from in awhile. I don't find it sketchy or weird at all. In fact I embrace and encourage it.

13) I enjoy going to the mall by myself. I don't have to consult anyone on what I want to get and I don't have to ask if it's ok to stop in a store "just for a minute". I find it really enjoyable actually.

14) I love the fact that most of my friends and I are "on the same wavelength". We can have conversations without actually having them. It's even better when we confuse people around us.

15) I have a shoe box full of old stuff that I like to look through from time to time.

16) I don't like to talk about doing things if we don't actually have any plans of doing it. That's not fun/funny to me.

17) I enjoy having inside jokes with people. For a split second, you realize there's a small bond between you and that person (those people) that no one will ever fully understand and that makes me feel closer to those people.

18) I really hate that people always think I'm judging them. I may be shocked by your behavior but it's more than likely I'll get over it in a few minutes. I am NOT judging you so stop accusing me of it.

19) A lot of the time, it's really obvious what's about to happen next when you're watching TV or a movie. You know it, I know it. But if you still want to keep your head to be nicely attached to your neck, DO NOT SAY WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN ON SCREEN OUT LOUD. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate that. BIGGEST pet peeve. ugh, I can't stand that.

20) I enjoy quotes by both famous people and my friends. There's almost always something memorable and worthy of repeating.

21) I really just make a lot of stuff up as I go along. 

22) Subway can eat my shorts. But honestly, it's like my second home. I have spent a lot of time there (too much really), but I have learned a lot about myself and other people because of that place.

23) I've recently come to find that even the most intimidating of people aren't that much different from me. It gives me a glimmer of hope for humanity.

24) I don't feel right when I'm not wearing my necklace. Even if I switch it for a different necklace, it still doesn't feel right.

25) I can get so much done in the middle of the night.

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