Through my latest spat of joblessness and, thus, self-depravity, I went to the omniscient universe to find a sign. Through my harsh discouragement, I needed a sign that my life isn't a complete waste of energy, skin, and sarcastic personality.
I usually go with an online Magic 8 Ball to tell me a flat yes, no, or "reply hazy" (which means no, but your future is bleaker than a Mattel toy cares to tell you). Sometimes I play the "radio game" to let the music gods tell me my future. However today, I went with news headlines. I sought out to self-interpret someone's fact-packed, creative 8 word quip.
First, I chose the Yahoo headlines. The first one to come up...
Score!! The future predicts I will be rich and beautiful with a handsome (potentially fiscally responsible) man, and PRETTY JEWELRY*!!! Woohoo. I could breathe a sigh of relief. THERE'S STILL HOPE FOR ME YET!
But, I have a level head on my shoulders. I can't predict my future off of one little news headline.
So, NATURALLY, I went to AOL. Where it proceeded to say...
I can't really put my finger on where my life is headed...
*I don't actually care about jewelry so much as shiny objects in general.
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